Our Story
Holy Family Primary is a Kindergarten to Year 6 Catholic school established in 1938 by the Sisters of St Joseph. More than 80 years later, our school celebrates the uniqueness of each person within a diverse community. We are committed to providing each student with a learning environment that is comprehensive, inclusive and challenging.
Enrolling at Holy Family is a chance for your family to be part of our story too! More...
Principal’s welcome
Holy Family Primary is a place that nurtures lifelong learning in students, parents and staff, and we encourage the pursuit of excellence in all areas of education according to each child's unique talents and needs. More...
Enrolling now
We warmly welcome new families to join our school community. Enquiries and enrolment applications for all grades are welcome any time of the year, although the main enrolment period is between March and May in the year before your child will start at our school.
Our Story

Learn more about our school
Our passionate and dedicated educators
Our facilities
Co-curricular opportunities
School fees
Virtual school tour
Our virtual tour is a great way to see our school’s learning spaces and facilities at your convenience.
Virtual school tour

What's On
Upcoming Events
Parent Area

Volunteer Training
As part of our commitment to keeping students safe, all volunteers and contractors are required to complete the building child safe communities undertaking form and child protection training module.

Compass Parent Portal
Compass is our primary parent communication tool for day-to-day updates, upcoming events, and important notifications so it is essential that all parents download the app.

School Uniform
Students are required to wear their full uniform, especially when representing the school at sport or for any other purpose. Parents and carers are encouraged to learn about our school uniform guidelines.

Reporting to Parents
We work with parents to include them in their child's education. Each term, parents participate in a Student Led conference. We also offer Parent-Learning Walks, showing parents the K-6 learning journey.